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Saugandhika Flower Episode

At Bhima's Gate in Hampi, there is fantastic image of Brima retuning with Saugandhika , the celestial flower Draupadi desired.


uring their exile life, Pandavas the five hero brothers and Draupadi, their wife, arrived at Badarikashrama. When Bhima, the strongest of the five, and Draupadi were moving in Badarikashrama forest, considered as a sacred place, a beautiful and fragrant flower called Saugandhika fallen near Draupadi's feet. Charmed by its beauty and fragrance, Draupadi deeply desired more and Bhima set out in search of the celestial flower.

After many adventurous episodes with wild beasts and demons, Bhima ended up at Gandhamadana Hill where he found a pond full of Saugandhika flower. The garden and the pond belonged to Kubera, the lord of Wealth.

One of the interesting events was Bhima's encounter with Hanuman. He took the form of an aged monkey and lied across Bhima's path. Bhima asked Hanuman to move, ange give way for him. For which Hanuman responded he is too old to move and requested Bhima to move his tail to make way. Bhima tried hard, but could not lift Hanuman's tail!

Now realizing it was Hanuman, he apologized to Hanuman asked him to narrate Rama’s glory.

Hanuman blessed Bhima and he continued his way searching for Saugandhika flower, which he found in Kubera's Garden. This was protected by demons called Maniman and Krodhavasha. After a fierce battle, Bhima slays the guards and return to Draupadi with Saugandhika flower.

There is a panel at the base of the Bhima's Gateway depicting Bhima's return with the flower; and the reason why the gateway is named after Bhima! (see also Mythology of Hampi)

Panel at <a href=Bhima's Gateway depicting Bhima returning with the celestial Sougandhika flower which Draupadi, the wife of the five brothers, desired. ">

Bhima with Saugandhika flower


Panel at Bhima's Gateway depicting Bhima returning with the celestial Sougandhika flower which Draupadi, the wife of the five brothers, desired.


Everything About Hampi!
Religions of Hampi
History of Vijayanagara
Mythology of Hampi

Hindus treat Hampi as a sacred land. According to the folklore, a number of mythical events are associated with Hampi. Your understanding of what you see at Hampi would be greatly enhanced if you have some clues about the Hindu mythology and its themes.

Vijayanagar Architecture
Gods of Hampi