Hyderabad to Hampi distance is about 380km by road. It's a 7-8hrs drive on NH44, NH167 and SH23.
View on the way to Virupapur Gadde from Anegundi / Gangavathi side of Hampi.
[#road]The road route with plan from Hyderabad to Hampi and approximate distances are like this...
Hyderabad → 100km (on NH44) → Mahbubnagar → 107km (on NH167) → Raichur → 85km (state highway 23)→ Sindhanur → 50km → Gangavathi → 25km → Hampi
[#1]Take National Highway 44 (NH 44) out of Hyderabad. This is a 4-6 lane highway for the first 80-90km from Hyderabad, till Jadcherla.
[#2]Near Jadcherla, leave NH44 and take the right fork into NH167. At Devarsugur (Shaktinagar) , you'll cross Krishna River and enter Karnataka state.
Historically this bridge connected north Decan with south Decan region. This is still the longest bridge across Krishna River.
[#3]After crossing the river , in about 15km take the right diversion ( Raichur bypass). On the bypass drive till the circle ( T junction) . Left goes towards Raichur town.
Leave the highway and take the right. In about 6km turn left and take State Highway-23 towards Sindhanur & Gangavathi. The road further is relatively narrower.
[#4]After Gangavathi, a town north of Hampi, you'll cross the river Tungabhadra. Before crossing you've to take a direction decision based on your final destination in Hampi.
Attractions in Hampi are spread aground both sides of the river with coracle/launch ferries connecting the banks. Only bikes can be taken through this ferry.
To drive and cross you've to use Bukkasagar Bridge that's is 15km away from Hampi or the bridges near Tungabhadra dam, which is about 20km southwest of Hampi.
Hotels are resorts are spread around both sides of the river. Consider this location factor even before you book hotel/resort.
[#5]Diversion 1: Gangavathi → 10km → Anegondi
Diversion 2: Gangavathi → 16km → Virupapur Gadde
Diversion 3: Gangavathi → 12km → Bukkasagara → 8km → Kamalapura → 4km → Hampi ( take this route for Hospet town as well)
See the Hyderabad-Hampi route map below
See also Bus and Train options to reach Hampi from Hyderabad.
Hyderebad → 100km → Mehabub Nagar → 107km → Raichur → 85km → Sindhanur → 50km → Gangavathi
Diversion 1: Gangavathi → 10km → Anegondi
Diversion 2: Gangavathi → 16km → Virupapur Gadde
Diversion 3: Gangavathi → 12km → Bukkasagara → 8km → Kamalapura → 4km → Hampi
Road on the northern side of Hampi