Rent a bicycle at Hampi. They are fun and cheaper efficient way to explore this large ruins site.
Also there are multiple routes to reach Hampi as shown in the map. The road and rail routes are generally follows the same direction. But the distances usually differ. This chart is given to aid to you estimate & plan your traveling time. It is safe to assume that you cover about 45 to 50 kilometers (30 miles) an hour by normal modes (bus / train /car ). An overnight train would cover about 350 kilometers (217 miles)
In most cases your main entry point for Hampi is the Hospet Town .Hospet is the nearest bus station and railway station for Hampi. So from wherever you are planning for Hampi, look for Hospet as Hampi would not be listed in the railway/bus destination lists. Form Hospet town Hampi ruins site is 14 kilometers (9 miles) away. Take a local bus or auto-rickshaw.
Road distances to Hampi (approx)
Bangalore to Hampi: 360km
Mysore to Hampi :400km
Hyderabad to Hampi: 370km (via Gangavati)
Hyderabad to Hampi: 430km (via Bellari)
Pune to Hampi: 560km (via Solapur)
Pune to Hampi: 600km (via Kolhapur)
Mumbai to Hampi: 720km (from CST, via Pune,Solapur )
Mumbai to Hampi: 750km (from CST, via Pune (bypass) ,Kolhapur )
Goa to Hampi: 350km (from Vasco da Gama)
Chennai to Hampi: 580km (via Chittoor, Anantapuram)
Mangalore to Hampi: 420km
Hubli to Hampi: 160km
Badami to Hampi :150km
Aihole to Hampi :140km
Pattadakal to Hampi :130km
Railways map of Karnataka showing connectivity to Hampi.